It has become a tradition for PT Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp And Paper (PT. Tel) every Eid al-Adha celebration to provide sacrificial animals assistance to the community around the factory through a CSR program.
The donation of sacrificial animals on behalf of the company was given as a form of gratitude for the grace of Allah Subhanna wa ta’ala and the desire to share with the community around the factory.
In 2022, PT. TEL again handed over donations of sacrificial animals to the community around the company’s area ahead of Eid al-Adha 1443 Hijriyah. PT. Tel donated 41 sacrificial animals (11 cows and 30 goats).
Sacrificial animals in the form of 11 cows were given to the community in 8 villages of Ring 1 and 3 Subdistricts (Four Petulai Dangku, Rambang Niru and Belimbing). Meanwhile, the community in 17 villages in Ring 2-3 will be given assistance for sacrificial animals in the form of goats.
Prior to the giving of the Qurban animals, the animals had been examined and were free from the Mouth and Nail Diseases that are spreading in several provinces at this time so that the Qurban animals handed over by PT TeL are safe for consumption.
Furthermore, the donation of sacrificial animals was symbolically handed over in the yard of the Empat Petulai Dangku District Office, on Friday July 7 2022 by Mr. Nobuyuki Ihara, Vice President Director of PT TeL accompanied by Mr. Mochamad Amrodji, Head of Stake Holders Relations Division of PT Tel to the Camat of Empat Petulai Dangku represented by Mr. Wancik SH as Secretary of the Camat. In addition, village heads who came from the place where the sacrificial animals were distributed were also present when the handover was carried out.
“In the current situation, we must help each other. As we know that the pandemic has an impact on the weakening of the economy for UMKM and the lower middle class. Here PT TeL wants to show its concern in the form of sacrificial animal assistance to people in need. It is hoped that this assistance can ease the burden on the community in the midst of a pandemic condition.” said Mochamad Amrodji, in his speech.

Meanwhile, Mr. Wancik SH as Secretary of the Camat expressed his gratitude for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of PT TeL and he hoped that the relationship and cooperation between PT TeL with the community and the government could be further enhanced.

“The distribution of these sacrificial animals is a form of gratitude to Allah Subhanna wa ta’ala for the sustainability of PT Tel’s business to date as well as a form of the Company’s concern for the community around the factory and the form of social and environmental programs as well as an event for the company’s friendship to the community, village and sub-district governments. around the company. Going forward, PT TeL will continue to be committed to helping the community and being able to provide positive environmental and social benefits.” close Mochamad Amrodji.