Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper is fully committed to implementing Occupational Safety and Health in all factory areas by each of our employees, contractors and suppliers.

The company believes that all employees are valuable assets for the company. This policy is a commitment in the field of Occupational Safety and Health to support all company activities with high productivity without creating risks to Occupational Safety and Health for employees and related parties.

To ensure the efficient implementation of the management system, we have implemented an Occupational Safety and Health management system – SMK3 and OHSAS 18001 with a spirit of continuous improvement and compliance with government regulations, the Company’s Occupational Safety and Health Policy and other safety requirements.

The company’s attention is realized by providing training, programs and all the resources needed to ensure compliance with Occupational Safety and Health requirements.

Occupational Safety and Health Policy of PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper must be obeyed and followed by every employee, including contractors and suppliers seriously.


In an effort to ensure the K3 management system runs and is sustainable in accordance with existing regulations, PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper has a special section that accommodates the implementation of the K3 program, namely the Safety Office and the K3 Committee or the Occupational Safety and Health Management Committee (P2K3) consisting of management lines and employee representatives in each Department / Section of PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper.

The tasks and authority of P2K3 have been decided in the Decree of the Head of the South Sumatra Province Manpower and Transmigration Office No.254 / SK / Nakertrans / 2016. P2K3 in accordance with regulations of the Minister of Manpower has the duty to provide an output of consideration whether requested or not requested by management regarding aspects of occupational safety and health


  1. Update and adopt government regulations related to OSH by 100% in 2019
  2. Renewed operating license deeds for all machines and OSH-related licenses for all equipment (lifts, lifting equipment, boilers and electricity) by 96% in 2019 issued by the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia
  3. Ensure that companies, contractors, suppliers and vendors comply with regulations by 100% in 2019
  4. Increase awareness of safety and safety in OHS risk assessments by providing training at least 10 times a year.
  5. Implement safety patrols a minimum of 10 times in one year.
  6. Conduct a hazard assessment in the work environment at least once a year

Reducing 10% of the total number of occupational accidents in 2018 and reducing 5% of the number of industrial fires and 0% of Occupational Diseases (PAK)

Program K3

In achieving continuous improvement and ensuring that the system is well implemented, PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper organizes K3 efforts that are contained in the K3 program. K3 program activities become a program that is integrated with the company’s operational processes so that there is a mutually beneficial synergy without reducing one part. Some of the K3 programs carried out in 2019 are :

  1. Comply with government regulations related to occupational safety and health, both new and amended old regulations
  2. Equip all work equipment and operational machinery with an operational permit
  3. Ensuring companies, supplier contractors and vendors meet SMK3 requirements
  4. Perform medical checkups
  5. Conduct Training Need Analysis (TNA) related to K3 and conduct training for employees
  6. K3 Promotion
  7. Patrol and follow up findings / finding / K3 abnormality
  8. Measure the Work Environment once a year and follow up abnormal parameters
  9. Perform preventive maintenance for fire equipment
  10. Implement work permits and fire work permits in the work environment
  11. Investigating occupational accidents, Occupational Diseases (PAK) and fires

