August 16 2021 0Comment

Monitoring the Implementation of Vaccination, PT TeL A Role Model of Mutual Cooperation Vaccination

MUARA ENIM — Acting Regent of Muara Enim, H Nasrun Umar carried out a working visit to PT. Tanjungenim Lestari (TeL) Pulp and Paper, Tuesday (03/08/2021) in the Districts of Rambang Niru and Empat Petulai Dangku in order to review the implementation of vaccinations for employees and their families.

The Acting Regent appreciated the activities carried out by the pulp and paper company and he hoped that this vaccination could be a role model for the vaccinations carried out by the company in Muara Enim district.

“We appreciate this vaccination activity because it is a form of PT TeL’s support as a business entity in Muara Enim Regency in the success of the national vaccination program to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

He also explained that the vaccination carried out by PT TeL was an implementation of the Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 10 of 2021 which mandated business entities to assist the government through independent vaccinations called mutual cooperation vaccinations to the employee’s and their families.

“Because he came to confirm and hope that this activity can also be followed by business entities or other private companies in Muara Enim Regency,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hiroyuki Moriyasu as President Director of PT Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper expressed his gratitude for the support and attention given by the Muara Enim Regency Government so that the company can operate normally during the COVID-19 pandemic while still implementing strict health protocols.

“We also convey that as a National Vital Object that has obtained an Operational Permit and Mobility for Industrial Activities (IOMKI), the Company supports the Mutual Cooperation Vaccination program for workers and their families at the factory site, Lampung and Jakarta office as many as 1580 people and carried out in 2 sessions, namely on 2 – August 6, 2021 and August 23 – 27, 2021,” he said.

In addition, Mochamad Amrodji as Head of the Stakeholder Relations Division, namely the Stakeholders Relations Division, said after consulting with the Muara Enim District Health Office, he said that the type of vaccine used was Sinopharm which was obtained from Bio Pharma and in collaboration with Siloam Sriwijaya Hospital as a vaccinator.
“This vaccination was carried out with the support and results of our consultation with the Health Office until we got the type of vaccine that we used so we collaborated with Siloam Sriwijaya Hospital as a vaccinator in the implementation of this vaccination,” he explained.

In addition to reviewing the implementation of vaccination, Pj. The Regent also saw the production of oxygen gas used by PT. Tel for industry purposes. Pj. The Regent hopes that if possible, PT. TeL can help fulfill oxygen supply, especially in Muara Enim Regency.

But of course, according to the Acting Regent, the oxygen gas in PT TeL must be reviewed first in order to meet the requirements and standardization of feasibility.

“The oxygen in PT TeL must be studied first in order to meet the requirements and standardization of eligibility from the relevant agencies so that it is safe for general consumption for people who need it,” he said.

Regarding oxygen, Hiroyuki Moriyasu said that as a form of concern for the company in an oxygen emergency condition and several hospitals around the factory location desperately need oxygen supply at this time.

“The company has an Oxygen gas purification facility (Oxygen Plant) with oxygen purity reaching 90% and has tried to make an oxygen cylinder filling facility but with a limited pressure of 12 bar,” he explained.

He continued, when filled into a 6 m3 oxygen tube, it could be used as oxygen therapy for 2.5 hours. “If the purity level of PT TeL’s Oxygen gas has met the requirements of the quality of Oxygen from the Oxygen Concentrator, the Company needs to carry out additional testing and fulfill several other parameters in Permenkes No. 4 of 2016,” he explained.