To support and ensure the company continue operations with competent employees, Sustain company operations that are supported by employee motivation and talent, and provide opportunities for local youth to work at PT Tel through a full scholarship program.
PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper (PT TeL) in collaboration with the University of Riau (UNRI) Re-opening the Diploma-III full scholarship program with the Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program.
The UNRI Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program is the first study program in Indonesia. This study program was inaugurated by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Muhammad Nasir on January 29, 2019.
This full scholarship program was launched in order to help the younger generations, especially high school graduates in the same year 2020, 2021, and 2022 originating from the area around the operations of ring 1-3 companies (Village fostered by PT TeL) to take education at a cost borne by PT. Tel completely and given the opportunity to work at PT Tel.
Information on the Full Scholarship was conveyed in advance by representatives of PT TeL management through 3 sub-districts, namely Empat Petulai Dangku, Belimbing, and Rambang Niru covering the villages of Ring 1-3 as well as several schools in the Muara Enim Regency and Prabumulih City on June 10-13. 2022.
The registration process and all information on requirements can be accessed through the website which is open from June 13 to June 17, 2022. Document Verification will be conducted on 18-20 June 2022 and Verification results will be announced on 21 June 2022.
After the participants are declared to have passed the Document Verification, they will follow the Try-out selection stage in 3 stages. After all the Try-out stages are completed, the participants who are declared to have passed will become Prospective Students, will take part in debriefing at Prabumulih and will be guided to take part in the PTN SMM both online and offline.
All participant selection processes are free of charge.
Later, participants who have passed the selection made by PT Tel and UNRI will take 3 years of education at UNRI with full costs from PT. Tel. After graduating from college, he was immediately accepted to work at PT TeL and will undergo an official bond for 1 year.