September 13 2022 0Comment


Kasih Dewa – The ”Merdeka Cup” volleyball tournament in collaboration with PT Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper (PT. Tel) and the Karang Taruna Kasih Dewa Village which started on August 22, 2022, entered the final round yesterday (6 September 2022). Attending the final tournament from Management PT. TEL,  Mr. Horita Takahiro (President Director), Mr. Agus Kafid (Director of HR&CA), Mr. Amrodji (Head of Stakeholder Relations Division), and the Department’s Local Community Development (LCD) team. In addition, village administrations such as the village head of Tebat Agung, Jemenang, Lubuk Raman, Gerinam, Gemawang, Manunggal Makmur, and Kasih Dewa were also present as the hosts for the “Merdeka Cup” volleyball tournament.

After going through a very tough match for 5 sets, for the male category, TRAVOLB from Lubuk Raman Village finally managed to beat PORTAG from Tebat Agung Village. Meanwhile in the women’s team, Putri Dewa from Panta Dewa Village (Pali) managed to beat IVOSKA from Prabumulih.

The presentation of prizes in the form of trophies and coaching money was handed over directly by the President Director of PT. TEL and representatives of the village government of Kasih Dewa. The following is the complete list of winners of the 2022 ”Merdeka Cup” volleyball tournament:

Man Category :

1st Winner  : TRAVOLB (Lubuk Raman) gets a coaching fee of Rp. 5,000,000

2nd Winner : PORTAG (Tebat Agung) gets a coaching fee of Rp. 3,000,000

3rd Winner  : PORVOCK (Village of Love) received a coaching fee of Rp. 2,000,000

Woman Category:

1st Winner  : PUTRI DEWA (Panta Dewa “PALI”) gets a coaching fee of Rp. 4,000,000

2nd Winner : IVOSKA (Prabumulih) received a coaching fee of Rp. 2,500,000

3rd Winner  : PUTRI VOLI (Perjito) gets coaching money of 2,000,000

In addition, the committee also determined the Best Men’s Players, Miko Pransisko (TRAVOLB) and Alexa from the PUTRI DEWA team as the Women’s Best Players.