Banuayu — In commemoration of the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Management and Labor Union of PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp And Paper (PT. Tel) in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Prabumulih Branch held a Blood Donation activity on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, at the Multipurpose Building Townsite PT. Tel.
This blood donation activity is a routine activity of the Management and Labour Union of PT. Tel, which is supposed to be held every May to coincide with the commemoration of Labor Day, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this blood donation activity can only be carried out in August to coincide with the celebration of the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.
At the opening of the blood donation activity, the Head of the GA Division, Security and Legal Corporate, Mr. Raden Ahmad Najamuddin, represented the management of PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp And Paper (PT. Tel), Mr. Edy Arafik as Head of the Labours Union of PT. Tel and Mrs. dr. Hj. Hesty Widyaningsih, MM as the Daily Chairman of PMI Prabumulih City Branch.
Mr. Raden Ahmad Najamuddin in his opening speech conveyed an apology from the Board of Directors for being unable to attend this blood donation activity. Raden Ahmad Najamuddin also said that we must continue to do social activities such as blood donation because this blood donation activity is a form of social care between people.. Meanwhile, Mr. Edy Arafik as Head of the Labours Union of PT. Tel In his speech, Tel expressed his gratitude to the management who has fully supported this activity and hopes that in the future social activities like this will be properly supported by the company. In addition, Edy Arafik also expressed his gratitude to the PMI Prabumulih City Branch for their cooperation so far, hopefully, in the future, cooperation in the social sector like this can be improved again.

Representing PMI Prabumulih Branch, dr. Hj. Hesty Widyaningsih, MM, in his opening speech expressed his gratitude to Labour Union the PT. Tel for the cooperation so far and also thanks to the Management of PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp And Paper who has fully supported this activity, PMI Prabumulih City Branch hopes that this collaboration can continue in the future.
Blood donation activities at PT. This tel was attended by 238 donor participants which included workers, workers’ families, sub-contractors, and the general public around the company’s location.
In this blood donation activity, PMI Prabumulih Branch has prepared as many as 300 bags of blood for preparation, because as has been the interest of donor participants at PT. There are too many calls, according to the daily chairman of PMI Prabumulih Branch, dr. Hj. Hesty Widyaningsih, MM.
