November 13 2019 0Comment


ANNUAL SHUTDOWN PT TEL TO INVOLVE THOUSANDS OF WORKER Corpcomm- More than two thousand workers are involved in PT Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper (PT TeL) annual engine maintenance activities that scheduled to take place from 4 to 14 November 2019. For 10 days PT TeL stopped its production process and carry out maintenance activities of the machines. This activity is held to maintain the condition of machinery and supporting equipment so that the work process of the machine continues to run smoothly and the production process will not be interrupted and the achievement of production targets can be met.

Seeing the wide work areas and scope of works in order to drive  the work can be completed on time, PT TEL mobilizes number of its contractors to do work in accordance with their respective fields of expertise. These partners employ workers both skilled and support workers as additional manpower for various jobs such as painting, repair, welding, etc. These additional workers came mostly from villages around the company.

Shutdown is a seasonal occupation which is also giving economics impact to surrounding community. The community can get additional income by renting their houses for temporary house for the shutdown worker as well as selling their food to them. (JS / sta) n

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